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If you’re in search of an internship or volunteer opportunity to strengthen your professional skills, consider options in Mexico. There are numerous volunteer and internship opportunities available through non-profit and non-governmental organizations.

“If your dreams do not scare you, they’re not big enough.”
So you want to move abroad? What’s stopping you? Friends. Family. Work. Fear.
Moving to a new place can be really scary. You have to get a new job. A new place. New friends. Pretty much a new life.
You can probably come up with a million reasons for why you shouldn’t move abroad, and let’s face it: when something scares us, it’s easy to find excuses to put it off.

Home to 21 million people, Mumbai is one of the most populous urban areas in the world. It’s known as the ‘Gateway to India’ and the commercial capital of the country, boasting its most international economy.
Despite its challenges with the weakened rupee, skills and talent shortages, and a slowly developing infrastructure, Mumbai is one of the world’s fastest growing economies with steady hiring and projections showing a continuation of the trend for years to come.

Moving to a new country is quite a process so it’s important that you do your research and understand the requirements and documents needed to make the big move. Timing is important as well, as unexpected delays are not uncommon, so be sure to begin preparing your documents well in advance before your departure.

You’re traveling in an unfamiliar place or have moved to a foreign country and you experience a rollercoaster of emotions—excitement, disorientation, maybe a little distress. An experience many can relate to upon arriving in a new, unfamiliar place: culture shock.
But how do you deal? Oddly enough, managing culture shock is very much like managing relationships.

Whether you’re planning a vacation to Brazil or conducting business with Brazilians, it’s important to understand the cultural context of the people you are working with.
Your personality and ability to establish strong relationships are crucial to the success of your business endeavors with Brazilians. Brazilians are known to do anything for friends, and when it comes to business, relationships carry more weight than a legal document. Hence the expression, “For friends, everything. For enemies, the law.”

Hotcourses, a global course search website, has recently launched a new diversity index allowing students seeking a global studies destination to see the nationalities of students at universities.
This comes in handy for students who seek to study in a culturally diverse place or prefer to study where there are many fellow countrymen.

Switzerland, arguably one of the most beautiful countries in the world, is no doubt one of the world’s most expensive places to live. Although everything from food to healthcare and housing costs more, it also boasts higher salaries and excellent quality of life.

Not familiar with GoinGlobal? Here’s the scoop:
GoinGlobal is the market leader in providing career and employment resources to students, alumni and staff for over 735 academic organizations around the world. Whether pursuing an opportunity across town or across the world, GoinGlobal can help fast-track your search

An increasing number of broke millennials are packing up their lives to move abroad—but how are they doing it? While having a comfortable financial cushion can certainly ease your transition abroad, it’s still possible to make the move with very little cash.
In 2004, a young woman found herself in a situation many recent grads can relate to. She had no money and no luck with job prospects.