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Foreign nationals enjoy India’s low cost of living, favorable work-life balance and the opportunity to gain new skills. By Mary Anne Thompson, founder and president, Goinglobal, Inc. Most foreigners enjoy India’s lower cost of living and appreciate the favorable work-life

As recommendations are still quite important in Austria, it can be advantageous to be based within the country before one begins the job search. Job seekers should attempt to network in order to gain employment and should seek employment recommendations through friends, colleagues, professional associates and industry contacts.

Because of its diversity of ethnicities and cultures, it is always a good idea to follow the host’s lead when it comes to acceptable behavior. What is acceptable to one culture in Panama might not be to another. Generally speaking, Panamanian culture is formal, and it is important to show respect and consideration to others.

Despite ongoing challenges, India is still hiring more than any other Southeast Asian country across a variety of job sectors. India is a bright spot in the global economy, with its burgeoning middle class, growing consumer markets, and large English-speaking population.

Finding employment in Japan – aside from English-language teaching positions – can be challenging. Having contacts and networking is highly advantageous and is the best approach to finding the right position. It is important to consider timing when job hunting in Japan. Most firms have set hiring seasons, and April 1 is the traditional employment start date.

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re interviewing in a foreign country. So, it’s important to be familiar with the culture and etiquette of the country and company with which you are interviewing. As with interviewing anywhere, in Finland, it is important to be able to thoroughly explain your achievements and strengths. However, using grandiose adjectives can be interpreted as lying. Display confidence without exaggerating. Be direct and concise, and if you really want to impress, use the Finnish language if possible.

Experiencing the many different cultures of the world is one of the best parts about traveling. What better way to get to know a place than to immerse yourself in the food, music, arts, people and historical sites. has curated a list of the 30 most popular cities in the world with the most cultural attractions.

According to a recent survey, 65% of Saudi Arabia employers will ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ be hiring within the next three months. Surveyed employers indicated the need for qualified professionals to work in business management, engineering and administration.

Foreign nationals planning to travel, work or study in Guatemala generally require a visa. Depending on the length of the trip and the applicant’s nationality, different requirements apply. Guatemala is a member of the Central America Border Control Agreement (CA-4). The agreement is a treaty signed by Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua which allows free movement of people among the four countries.

InterNations, the world’s largest network for people who live and work abroad, compiled a ranking of the top countries for women working abroad based on the insights given by over 6,000 women in the annual Expat Insider Survey.