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Living as an expat in South Korea may be challenging due to the cultural differences and significant language barrier but if you’re able to overcome those challenges, South Korea has some positive things to offer.

If you’re interested in moving to Australia, enjoy nice weather and surfing (or not), are an entrepreneur or foreign grad student, then there may be an opportunity for you. Eligibility focuses on entrepreneurs with financial backing and proven successful entrepreneurial activities.
As of September 10, 2016, a new visa pathway is available for qualified entrepreneurs through the Business Innovation and Investment Visa program.

Whether you’re new to using GoinGlobal or want to learn how to get the most out of your subscription, we’ve got you covered! We have several 1-hour online training opportunities available each month in your region.

Years ago, flexible working was nearly unheard of for experienced career professionals yet now it’s becoming increasingly popular as more and more companies, and even a few surprising industries, are offering flexible work programs to their employees.

If you’re curious to learn more about how our services can benefit you and your students, we invite you to join us for a (free) live online demonstration for Career Center and University staff members.
GoinGlobal is the market leader in providing expert research on career and employment resources.

According to the Savills world research, office-based businesses operating in major cities will spend around one-third of their total operating costs on commercial rents and employee salaries to accommodate costs of living.
New York currently holds the number one spot for having the highest live-work costs per employee, knocking London out of the top spot following the aftermath of the Brexit vote.

Many of us share the aspiration of living and working in a foreign country, and as more and more companies expand their operations overseas, employment opportunities abroad are becoming increasingly more available. Which means your chances of finding a job opportunity at the destination of your choice may never be better.

South Africa is a middle-income country with a melting pot of culturally, linguistically, racially and religiously diverse people. The country offers an abundant supply of natural resources and has well-developed financial, legal, communication, energy and transport sectors. Its stock exchange is ranked among the 20 largest in the world. While South Africa is the most developed African economy, the international financial recession has slowed its economic progression.

The word “culture” was named the most popular word of the year in 2014 by Merriam-Webster, which comes to no surprise as it is increasingly being recognized as a powerful force in business. While cultural diversity can be advantageous for businesses and create higher performing teams, it can just as well create conflict in other areas.

Thanks to digital technology and the rise of “digital nomad hubs,” working remotely and living abroad is becoming easier than ever.
Let’s face it, the corporate world is not for everyone, and there’s a common misconception that in order to travel abroad and work remotely, you must be rich.