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The United Kingdom still has some recovery to do to reach pre-COVID levels, but there is economic and employment promise on the horizon. The UK has been struggling with high inflation and energy costs, both of which are expected to

Brexit and COVID-19 have affected the cost of living in the UK, from housing to transportation to medical care. The United Kingdom is suffering from a cost-of-living crisis initiated by Brexit and compounded by COVID-19. National health care contributions and

A snapshot of the United Kingdom job market beyond Brexit By Mary Anne Thompson, Founder and President, GoinGlobal, Inc. Although the United Kingdom’s economy remains the second largest in Europe and the sixth-largest in the world, the country has been

Although the United Kingdom’s economy remains the second largest in Europe and the sixth largest in the world, the country has been in a state of turmoil since the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union (the infamous ‘Brexit’ vote)

When living or working in the UK, it is important to understand that tradition plays a role in social and corporate worlds. When interacting with the British, keep in mind that the United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales,

In the United Kingdom, job interview preparation and interview etiquette are paramount to a successful interview. We’ve listed some key ways you can become well versed about the company and position for which you are applying before the big day.

Moving abroad is no small thing. It takes much study and consideration. Can I get a good job? Will the city’s culture be a good fit for my lifestyle? What if I get sick? Is it too expensive for me?