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Networking is simply the process of making contacts. Learning how to make and nurture new contacts is a critical skill for everyone. When moving to a new country or city, this skill can make a tremendous difference to your success.

Networking opportunities are plentiful and varied in today’s professional environment. Networking remains one of the best ways to get hired for the right position. Making connections through networking opportunities can make all the difference in any job search, potentially leading

As global economies work to regain their footholds amid the coronavirus pandemic, some professions have maintained their workforces and show growth potential. By Mary Anne Thompson, founder, and president, GoinGlobal, Inc. Global workforce solutions company ManpowerGroup recently surveyed 34,000 employers

The benefits of volunteering are far-reaching. Positive effects can be felt by both the communities in which volunteers serve and by the volunteers themselves. It has been shown that giving back through volunteering your time and talent can have emotional

Technology gives us flexibility. We can work from home, go to school from home and job hunt from home, as well as maintain our personal relationships. Even in less than ideal circumstances, life can go on and move us forward,

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, scary, exhilarating, educational, disappointing or exhausting (add your own adjectives here). The list can go on and on. The bottom line is, if you’ve gone about the interview the right way, it has been hard

Follow @goinglobal We live in a global world, where we can email or Skype with a colleague thousands of miles away as easily as we can walk down the hall and conference with an in-house coworker. In a business environment

The word “culture” was named the most popular word of the year in 2014 by Merriam-Webster, which comes to no surprise as it is increasingly being recognized as a powerful force in business. While cultural diversity can be advantageous for businesses and create higher performing teams, it can just as well create conflict in other areas.