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Employment Outlook: New York

As the effects of the global pandemic continue to recede, New York City’s jobs sectors see improvement and a positive forecast. New York City is the largest regional economy in the United States, with an annual economic output of 1.7

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Employment Outlook: Atlanta

Employment Outlook Atlanta

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Employment Outlook: Houston

One of the largest cities in the US, Houston, Texas, is experiencing economic and population growth and hiring across multiple job sectors. Houston is the US’s fourth-largest city and the largest city in the US Southwest, with a population of

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Employment Outlook: United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to bounce back from pandemic lows with increased hiring. The United Arab Emirates, and particularly the emirate of Dubai, is a commercial, financial, logistics, and business hub of the Middle East. The COVID-19 pandemic

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Employment Outlook: Indonesia

With an immense population and growing economy, Indonesia is working to overcome its many challenges to focus on the future.  The Republic of Indonesia is an emerging middle-income country. Its economic might is increasing. The country is predicting 5.1% economic

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Employment Outlook: Israel 

Talent shortages mar an otherwise bright pandemic recovery for “Start-up Nation” Israel “Israel has an entrepreneurial spirit and a creative, highly educated, skilled and diverse workforce,” according to the latest investment statement of the US State Department. Israel’s free-market economy

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Employment Outlook: Costa Rica

  Hard hit by COVID-19, Costa Rica’s job market is slowly bouncing back.  As elsewhere in the world, Costa Rica’s job market was hit hard by COVID-19. It is slowly improving and returning to pre-pandemic levels, but at a slower

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Employment Outlook: Austria

Austria’s economy is recovering faster than expected after the COVID-19 pandemic undermined its growth. The country is heading to pre-COVID levels in the summer. Its hiring outlook is positive, jobs growth is strong and unemployment is expected to decline to

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Employment Outlook: Vietnam

Skilled workers are needed as Vietnam’s economy continues to grow. Vietnam’s shift from a centralized to a more market-oriented economy has made it an emerging Asian powerhouse. In fact, the Vietnamese economy was one of the few that continued to

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Employment Outlook: Argentina

Low unemployment and positive hiring intentions characterize Argentina post-COVID-19. By Mary Anne Thompson, Founder and President, GoinGlobal, Inc. Argentina has abundant natural resources, an educated workforce and strong agricultural and industrial sectors. It’s experienced serious economic crises over the past

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