Achieving a healthy work-life balance is a top goal for most people. The global average for people satisfied with their work-life balance is only 17%, so it’s safe to say that it’s a goal many struggle to achieve. What is considered a satisfactory work-life balance varies from person to person, and some countries promote a better work-life balance culture than other countries.
A survey by InterNations, the world’s largest global community for people living and working abroad, rated 43 different aspects of life abroad, including work-life balance. Interestingly, the survey found no direct correlation between long working hours and dissatisfaction with work-life balance.
Here’s a look at the top 10 countries:
10. Oman
9. Australia
8. Austria
7. Hungary
6. Sweden
5. Taiwan
4. Luxembourg
3. New Zealand
2. Denmark
1. Norway
Check out the full article for more details on the results from each country.
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