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The Importance of Cost of Living

Before accepting a job abroad, consider what your expenses will be. A dream job abroad can open many doors and boost your resumé. It can lead to mind-opening experiences and adventures that you’ll remember for a lifetime. Immersing yourself in

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Family, Friends, and Fútbol: Life in Argentina 101

Argentine culture represents a convergence of indigenous and European traditions. The country often is considered and likes to present itself, as the Latin American nation with the most European influence. Indeed, most Argentines — approximately 85% — are of Italian,

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The Swiss Life

Located in the heart of Europe, landlocked and mountainous Switzerland has maintained neutrality and stability for centuries. This stability has allowed the country to prosper, and it is now one of the richest countries in the world. It is home

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Eat, Play, Enjoy – Life in Belgium

Belgium is a small but remarkably diverse country. It consists of three distinct autonomous regions, each with its own governing body and its own language, culture, customs, and traditions: Flanders (in the north and west) Wallonia (in the south and

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How to have peace of mind as an expat

Submitted by Clements Worldwide You are either deciding to move abroad or have already done so but no matter where you are in the process, it is important to make sure you have addressed some key aspects of the move

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Living the Good Life: Madrid

Spain’s capital and largest city, Madrid is the political, economic and cultural center of Spain and one of the world’s major global cities, influential in the realms of politics, art, fashion, science, and education. Madrid is also the country’s most

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The Ten Countries That Offer the Best Work-Life Balance for Expats

We all dream of the perfect work-life balance. Certain cultures and countries do a better job of creating and fostering it than others. InterNations, the world’s largest network for people who live and work abroad, recently conducted a survey to

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Denmark, Costa Rica and Norway: Happiest and Most Loyal Workforces in the World

Employee satisfaction and loyalty to a company are crucial to retaining good talent and a motivated workforce, and overall a good sign for the economy. What’s more interesting is understanding what motivates young professionals to stay loyal to a company and why professionals in one country appear to be happier and more loyal compared to that of its neighbor.

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