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If you are looking for work in Saudi Arabia, the country offers a wealth of opportunities and income not taxed by the local government. If your eye-catching cover letter and CV custom-tailored to a specific job have attracted the attention

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia still offers plenty of job opportunities for expats, even as the country puts more emphasis on hiring locals. By Mary Anne Thompson, founder, and president, Goinglobal, Inc. Though the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working

CV Writing Tips for Saudi Arabia A Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter are typically a job applicant’s first introduction to an employer and, as a result, of great importance. Saudi business culture can be divided into positions for expatriates

According to a recent survey, 65% of Saudi Arabia employers will ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ be hiring within the next three months. Surveyed employers indicated the need for qualified professionals to work in business management, engineering and administration.

Oil prices and foreign investment have led to a rapidly growing economy in Saudi Arabia. The economy, as well as professional growth opportunities and income tax-free salaries, has enticed a steady stream of highly skilled expat workers.