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To sustain its growing, healthy economy, Canada looks toward a growing immigrant workforce and expats to take up the slack for its skills shortages, aging population, and declining birthrate. By Mary Anne Thompson, founder, and president, GoinGlobal, Inc. Canada

High-tech, multicultural Malaysia features low unemployment and a strong economy, but it needs professionals in a wide variety of job sectors to fill skills gaps. By Mary Anne Thompson, founder, and president, Goinglobal Inc. Malaysia is an upper middle-income, multicultural,

It’s been over a year since the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU), and there is still much uncertainty over what effect this will have on the economy over the next few years. But, despite that uncertainty, the

The UK’s recent vote to leave the European Union (EU) sent shockwaves throughout Europe. Hiring has slowed over the past few months in the wake of Brexit-induced uncertainty. Permanent hiring has dropped to levels not seen since the recession in 2009, according to the UK’s Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), while temporary staff hiring is on the rise.