Interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re interviewing in a foreign country. So, it’s important to be familiar with the culture and etiquette of the country and company with which you are interviewing. As with interviewing anywhere, in Finland, it is important to be able to thoroughly explain your achievements and strengths. However, using grandiose adjectives can be interpreted as lying. Display confidence without exaggerating. Be direct and concise, and if you really want to impress, use the Finnish language if possible.
If there is more than one interview round, candidates are generally screened in a group setting with about 3 to 10 candidates. Although interviews are typically organized separately for each applicant, sometimes group interviews are organized to get a better understanding of the candidates in a team situation. Being active in the group discussion is positive, as is listening to the others and involving them in the discussion.
Nowadays the first interview may be conducted by video over the Internet. This tool allows the recruiter to evaluate more applicants than via a time-consuming face-to-face interview. You will receive instructions by email about the video interview, which usually follows the same approach as a face-to-face interview.
The interview usually begins with the interviewer presenting the company and explaining what type of position they are in the process of filling. The interviewer will then ask you to talk about your background and work experience. Additional questions can be asked throughout the interview. Typically, employment-related negotiations get to the point very quickly, but it is best not to discuss salary or compensation benefit items early in the interview process.
In Finland, many people have not learned to ‘sell’ themselves; personal praise does not come naturally to Finns. It is to your benefit, however, to be able to thoroughly explain your achievements and strengths. Finns appreciate honesty in all forms, so using grandiose adjectives when describing yourself could be interpreted as lying. Being direct and concise, showing initiative in asking questions, displaying confidence without exaggerating and using the Finnish language, if possible, are all regarded positively.
Check out the full article for more advice on interviewing in Finland.
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