The chance to study abroad often comes once in a lifetime. The chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, and truly understand what it’s like to live somewhere new and different is often a life-altering experience. Here are a few tips to make sure you enjoy your study abroad experience just a little bit more.
- Before you leave home, copy all of your documents, ensuring you have backups for your passport, visa, health insurance card and other important papers.
- Be open to new experiences, and meet as many new people as you can.
- Attend your classes, and capitalize on the knowledge you gain.
- Immerse yourself in your new country – try new cuisine, learn phrases in the local language, and see all you can.
- Plan side trips as often as you can.
- Explore the local scene in the city where you’ll be living – cafes, grocery stores, churches, parks, museums and more all provide you with intimate knowledge of life there.
- Budget yourself and plan ahead so you can maximize your travels.
- Keep in touch with loved ones to stave off homesickness.
- Document your time aboard – pictures, journaling, and videos all preserve your experience.
- Slow down sometimes and appreciate the wonder of your experience.