If you’re interested in applying for a job in the UK, then you’ve come to the right spot! It’s important to understand the proper way to fill out a British job application, and how to tailor your CV and interviewing style to match their expectations and avoid any cultural blunders.
British Job Application
The application process typically requires you to submit a cover letter, a CV tailored for the job to which you’re applying, or complete an application form provided by the company or organization. As for any other job application, be sure your application is free of spelling or grammatical errors and that the information you provide is clear, organized, and succinct.
In most cases, you will be provided with a job description going over what the position entails and, in some cases, a ‘spec’ sheet outlining a list of skills and experience the employers are looking for in a candidate. Use this information to explain how your skills and background match the requirements of the job. The application form will typically ask about your experience, strengths and weaknesses, what you can bring to the table, and why you want the job.
British-Style CV
• Keep your CV to a maximum of two sides on A4 good quality paper.
• The heading should be ‘your name – CV’
• List your experience in reverse chronological order.
Order your information as follows:
• Personal info: name, date of birth, address, email and phone number.
• Employment history: employers name, company type, company address, the position held with the dates, and a bullet point list of key responsibilities and achievements.
• Education: university name, dates, names of courses taken, qualification grade (leave out poor grades), and any awards or special work relevant to the job for which you’re applying.
If it’s your first job, then put education first followed by any work experience.
• Skills: computer skills, software/applications and level of proficiency, languages and level of fluency, and if you have a driver’s license (if relevant for job).
• Interests and achievements relevant to the job for which you’re applying.
• References: list their name and contact information.
And that’s just the half of it!
More tips on interviews, resumes and CV’s can be found by logging into your GoinGlobal account!
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