To understand Norwegians, you must understand the natural environment in which they live. Considered among the most beautiful places on earth, Norway is also a harsh land of cold, snow, fjords and isolation.
Norwegians are proud of living so closely to nature and their relationship with the natural world forms their national identity.
The most northerly European country, Norway enjoys one of the world’s highest standards of living. Norwegians are proud of their prosperity, egalitarianism, and independence. Norway is not a member of the European Union, although it is an important trading partner through the European Economic Area.
‘Jante Law,’ or Janteloven, articulated in a novel by Aksel Sandemose, describes group behavior in Scandinavia. Overall, Jante Law promotes humility, and it is key to understanding Norwegian culture. A main precept includes viewing others as equals. Do not flaunt wealth and personal achievements or exhibit ostentatious behavior. Norwegians are not impressed by material wealth and prefer the simpler things in life.
Check out the full article on Daily Life tips in Norway.
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