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Choosing an initial career path or deciding to change careers starts with exploration. There are a lot of unknowns to contend with and questions to ask when contemplating such a life-altering decision. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to seek out

Overwhelm is part of early career exploration, as are the many questions and decisions you face at the start. But gathering information and resources can go a long way toward lifting the fog of uncertainty and help clear the way

Technology gives us flexibility. We can work from home, go to school from home and job hunt from home, as well as maintain our personal relationships. Even in less than ideal circumstances, life can go on and move us forward,

According to a study conducted by ADP, Europeans have a strong desire to work internationally. The study, conducted in July 2016 after the vote for Brexit, considers how employees feel about the future of work, international competitiveness and talent management. Among nearly 10,000 European employees surveyed, 74% would consider career opportunities in a foreign country.

The research and consultancy firm, Great Place to Work, provides a new ranking of 2016’s best multinational companies to work for. Google continues to be the top contender for the fourth year running, with the company landing in top rankings in six different countries.

Every seven seconds, one girl under the age of 15 gets married across the world. According to Save the Children, child marriage is correlated with teen pregnancy, maternal deaths, and high levels of girls dropping out of school.

Years ago, flexible working was nearly unheard of for experienced career professionals yet now it’s becoming increasingly popular as more and more companies, and even a few surprising industries, are offering flexible work programs to their employees.